Friday, April 23, 2010

Sofa Heaven

And so it goes.

Sometimes you think that couch that was either a hand me down when you got your first apartment or your first purchase after marriage will last forever, but five kids and three dogs, movie nights, popcorn and napping in front of the fireplace have taken their toll.

Browsing this morning and love, love, love Pottery Barn

This is their Buchcanan! Isn't it lovely? I wish I could live in their catalog!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thing of the past...

O.K.  I have a thing,

I absolutely love ...barns. I can't help it. I live in the Mid-West, specifically, Wisconsin. Covered with them.

 All different kinds of Wisconsin Barns!

Old and well cared for or crumbling and decayed. Those make me cry. I want to save them. If I pass by one on a country road, I usually take time to go back a second look...or a third. They call me.

It's on my bucket list!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Prom Time


My daughter has decided to enter the Prom Dress contest offered by JoAnn Fabrics.  Very cool...up to $50,000 for college!

Vintage Vogue is all the rage!

Not a problem ,other than  she has never sewn more than a pair of pajama pants.

A multi-tasker like her Mom, she is sewing for a grade in her Home EC class in lieu of 5 separate garments.

Work, work, work!!!